It’s always interesting to see who, from my past, will show up as a client some day.  I knew Kendra from when I was in high school.  She was the office admin, and since I was such a great kid 😉 I can’t say that I saw her all that often.

With the way that social media is these days, I’ve been able to watch Tim and Kendra’s family grow via Facebook posts and photos (Isn’t that so fun…and at the same time so odd!) but I actually got to meet them all in person the other day and fill in a few of the first pages of little Isla’s story.

Being the baby in a family of 6 sure has it’s perks.  This little girly was snuggled and loved up by her bigger siblings the whole time that I was there.  We even used her as a bargaining chip in the relative chaos that is a family session with four littles under the age of five.  She sat quite contently, wide awake.  Didn’t want to miss a thing, until I was finally able to get her asleep…at the very end of the session – Go figure!

It’s easy to see from these photos, that this new little babe is a welcome addition!  BUT you never quite know what is going to happen when you are dealing with kids, and kids with a new baby sister, at that.  Some times, things get a little crazy you just need a little time out with mom all to your self.  One of the reason’s why I love lifestyle sessions is to capture moments like the one below. It doesn’t always have to be all about the frame-worthy photo (though, I would totally frame this one).  Sometimes it’s about remembering the realness of a new chapter and how it effects everyone.

I know, in my own life, if I’m not intentional about being in the photo, there would be no photos of me with my kids.  I always try to find a little time for just mom time, just dad time and time for the two of them together without other siblings, which can also get missed, especially when you’re the youngest of 4.

Isn’t it a beautiful thing, watching families grow and seeing how each one finds their place inside a family dynamic?  Like I said earlier, it’s not always “pretty” or “instagram-worthy,” perhaps, but it’s real life and that’s a beautiful, amazing blessing.


Congrats, Frisby family!